Meet The Team


Daniela Gerstmann

Daniela Gerstmann

Daniela is the founder of Making Things Up and one of the directors. You could say that she made the whole thing up! Daniela works on the overall vision and strategy, applies for funding and manages the team.

What does improv mean to you?

“The magic of listening, playing and creating at the same time – you are making something in the moment together with someone else.”

Eji Osigwe

Eji is one of the directors of Making Things Up. He consults on new projects and helps out with the ongoing strategy of the organisation. Eji also leads on the technical side of things, such as the Making Things Up website.

What does improv mean to you?

“Improv to me means laughter and creativity. It’s a great way to play and explore, and to feel empowered to be bold and creative.”

Eji Osigwe
Barney Stevenson

Barney Stevenson

Barney is a director of Making Things Up CIC.

What does improv mean to you?

“Feeling free, alive and in the moment.”

Artists and Partners

Jade Fearnley

Jade Fearnley

Jade is a performing artists who leads the weekly improv classes.

What does improv mean to you?

“It steered my life in a constantly changing and adapting direction and that’s why I love it.”

Risha Lancaster

Risha is one of the founders of Coffee4Craig. Coffee4Craig provides a 7-day a week evening drop in for people sleeping on the streets of Manchester. Risha’s organisation hosts Making Things Up at their building, The Meanwhile. Many of their guests attend the sessions.

What does improv mean to you?

“I absolutely Love Improv. It helps you engage your brain and think faster, it helps you to laugh and see the lighter side of life. Doing the classes also helps you alter your mindset and to think about things in a different way. As a group we laugh together, tell stories and play games, this can help to improve people’s experiences of life and this is why I love the sessions. Laughter is most definitely the best medicine!”

Risha Lancaster

Curious about how improv could be helpful to you?

Our Partners and Funders

Coffee4Craig logo
Arts Council England Lottery Fund logo
Our Room logo
Arts & Homelessness International logo
"Shortlisted for an AHI Award" logo
Art of Festivals logo
The Supporting Act Foundation logo
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